Meg Stuart & Varinia Canto Vila: confirm humanity

Apr 14, 2022

"Position your body alongside the outer contours of its skin, and then further past, cross the bounding-line of what it knows, linger in the space of intersecting realms. Contend that being at the edge, where one thing resists another, is the way to know, feel, sense, and experience."
–Meg Stuart

Infiltrated by technological advancement, bombarded with information, sensorially reprogrammed, and caught in the cross-current of artificial fields, the contemporary body is as digital as it is human. confirm humanity asks where the human resides when the body is reset to its factory settings. Varinia Canto Vila and Meg Stuart enact this solo choreography for two dancers, situated within the intermittent folds of Lifes.

In conjunction with the exhibition Lifes.